First of all, I like to meet all of my potential clients for a consultation (informal chat) which can be at your home, yard, office or at my local gym in Guildford.
There are a couple of assessments - don't worry, nothing scary here! Firstly, there is a postural assessment - I will look for any weaknesses or imbalances - area's which are weak/tight, therefore muscle groups we need to stretch or strengthen and also assess your flexibility. Then there will be a functional movement screen - which is designed to identify compensatory movement patterns which will hopefully confirm all we have found in the postural assessment.
We will discuss your goals (you may collapse on one side meaning your horse falls in on that rein), any barriers you have to exercise (work patterns, childcare etc...) and how we can overcome them. We will discuss your medical history, in case there are any previous or current injuries I need know about which may possibly affect your training programme etc.